How to safely write your email on your website? Try javascript injection.
Old school email obfuscation I have listed my email address in plaintext for as long as I remember. It generally has been obfuscated in some way, like
name [at] domain [dot] tld to prevent web scrapers from harvesting my details to spam me. This method is alright at blocking some (but not all) bots from harvesting your email. Sure, you can further distort your email to get around typical regex substitutions for the @ and .
How did I make this website? Hugo and Markdown.
I developed this website using the hugo static site framework. If you’re familiar with Github pages, which at one point recommended Jekyll for static site generation, then Hugo is a lateral leap ahead.
Hugo is an open-source static site generator written in the Go programming language, developed at Google. The content of this site is largely written in Markdown, a very light and human-readable format, and parsed by Hugo to create a static HTML website.